I wanted Mom to have this shift and talk about her. But, she's at the sofa, belly up, watching TV. So, The Other One volunteered to write today's post.
Hi! I'm The Other One. I'm the neighbor Piru and Prince visit everyday to eat prawns. Yes, it's my fault, I'm the one that told Piru's Mom she should give them prawns and now they love them. Anyway, I like to receive Piru and Prince's visits. They come, eat, I pet them a little and then off they go.
I'm a little hungry. It's time to visit my neighbor. |
Helllllloooo! Anybody home? |
Are there any prawns waiting to be eaten? |
Now, back to my hanging out time. |
I think they like me because, the other day, they surprised me with a present that they bought and wrapped themselves (they told me that they wrapped it the best they could considering the lack of opposable thumbs.
"For my favorite staff after Mom." |
It was a coffee mug with this inscription:
"Dogs have Owners. Cats have Staff." |
I love the mug, but I don't understand why they say that I'm part of their staff if I only run home after work to let them go out to the backyard before the Mom gets home, serve them water and food, pet them, give them prawns, clean the fun park, pet them some more and give them some more prawns. Does that look like the work of staff to you?
I'm also the pet sitter when the Mom is traveling. I think the two boys don't mind as long as they have clean litter and their dinner plates are full. The one that really mind the absence of the Mom is Liah. Although she sleeps with me in my bed when the Mom is gone, I know that Liah misses her too much. She sits in front of the door waiting and waiting for her to come back.
I'm the real Mommy of Kala and Piccola (who crossed the Rainbow Bridge last June). Now I have to go because Piru is rushing me.
Piru here. As all the other humans, The Other One do other boring stuff, like go to work everyday, but that's not important.
Ola kala!