After Mom stop laughing, she told me that my request was impossible, that the monthly payment is too high and that I will not be able to use it appropriately. Who does she think she's talking with? I'm even more technologically oriented by the minute. I LOVE texting with my friends and I'm a dedicated learner of acronyms and text message jargon.
To prove it, I'm including a short list of some of those acronyms.
TXTALK= text talk
AKA= as known as
ASA= as soon as
ASAP= as soon as possible
ATB= all the best
BBFN= bye bye for now
BBW= big beautiful woman
BOL= bark out loud
BRB= be right back
CYA= see you
CUL8R= see you later
CW2CU= can't wait to see you
FWD= forward
FYI= for your information
GR8= great
IYSS= if you say so
IMHO= in my humble opinion
LOL= laugh out loud
MHOTY= my hats of to you
MOL= miau out loud
MSG= message
OIC= oh, I see
OTOH= on the other hand
OTT= over the top
PCM= please call me
PLS= please
RUOK= are you ok?
RU3= are you free?
THNQ= thank you
THX= thanks
T2UL8R= talk to you later
TMB= text me back
YTKIN2ME= Are you talking to me?
1STY= thirsty
2MORO= tomorrow
3DOM= freedom
4EVA= forever
SK8IN= skating
Here's a link of even more acronyms: http://www.netlingo.com/acronyms.php
Hey, I'm not responsible if you find some inadecuate words in that list.
Well, Mom, when can I expect my new iPhone?
Ola kala!