martes, 18 de enero de 2011

In Memoriam of Piru

Hello, Prince here.  It's been a whole week since Piru crossed OTRB.  The family is still very sad, specially Mom, and we all miss him very much.  Neither Mom, nor The Other One, has been in the mood to write in the blog, so I volunteered to do it.
Pirulo Furry (2002-2011)

I think that the most special characteristic that my brother Piru had is that he was always a happy and affectionate cat.  So, I think that we should remember him that way.  Today, I'm going to share with you the last pictures and the last two videos of him.  I hope you can enjoy viewing his happy last days.

You know how Piru was always saying that he was not fat, just a husky boy.  Well, he decided to start an exercise regiment to demonstrate he was as fit as anyone else.  His favorite exercise was this one:

Of course, after an exercise routine, what's better than a good nap?

Can you burn calories while napping?
Another thing that Piru used to hate was to be brushed.  Is not really that he hated that, he loved it only if it was on his head and neck.  But Mom always wanted to brush aaaaaalllllll his body and that he couldn't stand.  But, this time he decided to give Mom the pleasure of brushing him in her lap.  He complained a couple of times, but Mom did it with caution.

First the head.
Then, the neck.
Look how fluffy he is.
He love if at the back of his ears.
A brushed Piru.
He seems so happy to be in Mom's lap.

Here's a movie of the whole process.  If you turn on your speakers you can hear his purrs and his meaws when Mom tried to brush his tail.

The family want to thank with all our hearts all the messages that Piru's friends have been sending us through the blog and the Twitter account.  We also want to thank Max, MarioRumbles and Ty for their posts about Piru on each one of their blogs to remember my brother.  We are very thankful of Brian and The Cat Blogosphere for the beautiful image prepared In Memoriam of Piru (the one on the right margin). To all Piru's friends and to all the others that never met Piru, but stop for a moment to send us their condolences, purrrrs, smoooches and blessings, thank you very much.

We are not still sure what will happen with Piru's blog.  But we'll tell you as soon as we take a decision.

To end this post, I want to publish a little letter that I found one morning at my side.  It's a good bye letter from Piru to Mom.

My beloved Mom:

I want to tell you that I love you very much.  You have been the best Mom a cat can have.  I know you love me from the very first time you saw me, and I have been loving you from the very same moment.  I'm so very grateful of all warm cares you have given me my entire life.  Thank you for never giving me up, even in difficult times like when I broke one of my legs, when I was terribly ill or even the time I was lost for three days.  Thank you for always trying to please me by building all the fun parks (7), even though I loved to hang out freely; I know you did all that to protect me.  I know that, sometimes, I was a grumpy little boy when I wanted to go out and peed some of the furniture; but, you didn't stop loving me.  That's why you were always my favorite person in the whole world, that's why I loved to sleep in your bed and sit at your side every night to watch TV.  I know that my sudden departure have been very difficult for you.  I wasn't planning on doing so, but it was something that I couldn't control.  I want you to know that I left in peace and with you in my heart.  I don't want you to suffer for my absence any more, but to always remember the good times we had together.  Remember that I always looked up to you as my protector and that I loved been loved by you.  Remember me as the one that brought you many days of happiness with my witty catonality and my very handsome presence.  Please, never forget me.  Mom, everything is going to be okey- =^..^= Ola kala!
I love you.  Pirulo

19 comentarios:

  1. This is a lovely post, thank you for sharing. The good-bye letter from Piru is so sweet, RIP Piru!!

  2. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures, video and letter. He was just such a beautiful boy, such a love. Dear Prince, if your Mom can find it in her to keep in touch with us all through you, that would be lovely. Again, sending you all lots of love. I am so lucky Piru was my friend.

  3. Hi Prince,

    Thanks so much for sharing these videos and pictures of Piru. I am going to be missing him too, he was such a sweet friend!

    Hugs for you, mom, and The Other One. Please stay in touch.

  4. What a lovey tribute to a sweet boy. We are still sad too. Please do keep on blogging fro the rest of you - Piru would want that.

  5. this was so beautiful....I wish I were there to give you a hug...I hope you will still continue the blog in Piru's memory...would hate to see you leave but we understand it will take time.

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful memories....of such a wonderful, wonderful kitty xoxoxo

  6. thank you so much for sharing love petie the cat

  7. I literally have tears in my eyes, that was such a beautiful letter and so true.

    I hope you're all doing ok, tho I know you're not. I know there are no words to help, but you're all in my thoughts. Such a tragic loss of a beautiful young boy.

    Fly high sweet angel, and please look out for my Inigo.

  8. Piru...fuiste un gato muy especial para tu familia al parecer...y como dijeron los otros, gracias por compartir todas las imagenes, videos y aventuras de Piru, porque para nosotros tambien era especial, lo vamos a extrañar mucho

    Yo digo que mantengas el blog en Memoria, y si se puede, que los otros también abran un blog, para que puedan seguir compartiendo sus historias

  9. That iz a bewtiful letter Piru wroted an thanks you for sharing teh vidyeos an pikshures. Such a sweet handsome kitteh. Iz sad for hims family, and I miss him lots.

  10. We has leaky eyes here cuz we loved dat sweet boy and this is such a bootiful tribute to him. I miss seeing him on Twitter too. I do hope you will eventually feel like posting in the blog again. I know it's difficult right now, but perhaps you can let Prince take it over in time. Those videos of Piru are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing them. HUGS to the oomans.

  11. We too have leaky eyes for our furrend Piru. I hope Prince can be the big mancat now and continue to write the blog. In no way did Pira sound or look sickly in those videos/pictures. Since I don't purr, TW enjoyed hearing that robust double purr of his. Sending love and kisses to his Mom and the other one. xoxo

  12. Sending healing hugs to you and the other one. What a delight your Prince was and now is OTRB. The videos are amazing; the letter to Mom is so very sad, yet wonderful. He lives in your heart forever.

  13. My eyes are leaking after reading this wonderful tribute to Piru and the beautiful letter he left for you. I miss Piru very much.

    Prince, I hope you'll keep blogging and give us a chance to get to know you better.

    Sending lots of love and healing purrs.

  14. Prince thank you for sharing the beautiful letter from Piru...
    I hope you take over the blogging duty.
    Jake the red tabby

  15. Prince this is just a beautiful wonderful post about Pirulo. We have been away from the blogs for so long but we still think about Pirulo all the time. We think you are smart to remember all the wonderful times with him. It is hard and we understand why your mom and all of you are so sad. We know he was so loved by all of you and all of his friends too. Mom said that it does get easier eventually but it takes a long time - it was so hard for her at first with Floyd, and it is always so hard for her when one of our friends leaves too. We hope you keep the blog up in memory of Pirulo, so we can come back and look at the happy times with him, and that way your mom can too. And maybe you could start your own separate blog because we love to read about you too Prince. Let us kknow what you decide. We are still sending over lots of purrs and prayers.

  16. Pirulo was such a handsome boy and it was obvious at the love that shared between him and you. The last video of him being brushed is the sweetest ever. We are sorry for your loss and can only imagine how much he is missed. Treasure the memories and the time you had together. We know that Piru will always be in your heart.

    Clarissa & Co.

  17. Oh dear Piru,
    Iz sorry to read u've gone OTRB. You will be missed but we'll remember you as happy & handsome always. That waz such a lovely letter u wrote to yr momma, bootiful.
    I do hope Prince will continue blogging in your memory, his sleeping lesson was very clever... he's almost as clever as you!
    Much love, @Isagold xox & @WallasEKatt

  18. Prince, we love seeing you getting your beautiful furs nice and brushed. Before the ears looks like a relaxing time. Thanks for share with us.
    World of Animals
